

Well, we had to make a questionnaire reflecting the student's levels of motivation, ambition and self esteem. It took me a while to figure it out, so here we go.

 1. Do you like to study?                                                                              
o  Yes       o No 
2. Have you set any goals for this year?          
o  Yes       o No
3. I worry about what people say to me         
o  Yes       o No
4. You want to be somebody in life.  
o  Yes       o No
5. I am happy with myself        
o  Yes       o No
6. Do you tend to slow down after achieving success?  
o  Yes       o No
7. Would you give up going to a party to study for a test?  
o  Yes       o No
8. You have many friends
o  Yes       o No
9. I enjoy competition 
o  Never      o  Sometimes      o  Frequently      o  Always   
10. You know exactly what you want 
o  Never      o  Sometimes      o  Frequently      o  Always   
11. Do you panic when things don’t go your way?    
o  Never      o  Sometimes      o  Frequently      o  Always      
12. You accept yourself for who you are and not who you want to be   
o  Never      o  Sometimes      o  Frequently      o  Always     

13. Completing difficult tasks satisfies me 
o  Never      o  Sometimes      o  Frequently      o  Always  
14. You're afraid to face a crowd
o  Never      o  Sometimes      o  Frequently      o  Always 
15. You prefer to listen than to talk
o  Never      o  Sometimes      o  Frequently      o  Always 
16. You don't feel comfortable meeting new people
o  Never      o  Sometimes      o  Frequently      o  Always

Questions  2, 4, 8 and 10 deal with ambition.
Questions  1, 7, 9 and  13 deal with motivation.
Questions  3, 5, 11 and 12 deal with self esteem
Questions  8, 14, 15 and 16 deal with introvertion/extrovertion

I would evaluate this test using simple math, I have 4 different questions about each personality factor (self esteem, motivation, ambition and introertion/extrovertion).

The percentage of the first test would be obtained using a scale, for example, ambition has 3 questions, with a possibility of 50%, so if we get 2 answers that are positive and one negative, we would be 66.6% ambitious.

In the second test, we would use the same formula, except using 50%, we would substitute 75% for a never or always and a 25% for a sometimes or frequently, then we find the average. For example, we would use self esteem, which has 2 questions. We could answer always and sometimes, which gives me 100%, dividing it by 2, would make the student 50% ambitious.

Then, I would find the average of all the scores in a particular category and  come up with the final result.

I got a little carried away with the mathematics, but it's a subject I really miss from school. I put a lot of thought into this questionnaire, hope it turns out well. Getting ready for another busy weekend full of work, take care everybody.

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